Unrelated But...
Unrelated, but...is the unscripted and unhinged writing podcast featuring two writers desperately trying to stay on topic as they dabble with the occasional advice and discussion of tropes, plot, character arc, fandom media, books, and more.
Artwork by: jickdraws
Unrelated But...
Writers Make Choices (Please)
Christopher & Lore
Season 1
Episode 8
Plots can't move if the writer isn't making decisions (and sticking to them).
Christopher has her own novel-length ideas about this and Lore is just here for the LOLs.
Interact with us!
Twitter (Lore): https://twitter.com/UnrelatedBut_
Tumblr (Christopher): https://unrelatedbut.tumblr.com/
Make sure to check us out on Instagram @unrelatedbutpodcast and tumblr @unrelatedbut
artwork by jickdraws